Stanton 890FS MP4 Twin Pack Cartridges


A two-in-one value offering both an elliptical stylus for digitizing vinyl into audio files, as well as spherical stylus with excellent tracking for club and scratch DJs.

The 890.FS is the first cartridge to be shipped with 2 types of styli and is designed for use with FinalScratch. The 2 spherical styli are designed for scratching and general playback. The 2 elliptical styli are designed for hi-quality playback for recording of records into the DVS system or any other application where sound quality is critical. The 890.FS also includes a stylus mountable dust brush which sweeps dusts off of the groove of the record during playback and recording.

Datasheet button



  • Includes two types of styli for recording and playback applications
  • Designed for use with DVS
  • New industrial design


The 890.FS is the first cartridge to be shipped with 2 types of styli and is designed for use with FinalScratch. The 2 spherical styli are designed for scratching and general playback. The 2 elliptical styli are designed for hi-quality playback for recording of records into the FinalScratch system or any other application where sound quality is critical. The 890.FS also includes a stylus mountable dust brush which sweeps dusts off of the groove of the record during playback and recording.
The MP4 package includes 2 matched cartridges, mounted on tone-arm like devices, inside a small and practical road-worthy clear “flight-case”.

  • Perfect for:
    Digital DJs
    Hip-hop / Scratch DJs
    Club DJs
    Record Archives



Spherical Stylus
Description Measurement
Stylus Type: Spherical 0.7 mil
Special High Polish
Tracking Force: 2 to 5 grams
Frequency Response: 20Hz to 17kHz
Nominal Output @ 1kHz: 6.5mV
Channel Balance @ 1kHz: within 2dB
Channel Separation @ 1kHz: 35dB
DC Resistance: 1300 ohms nom.
Inductance: 970 mh nom.
Cartridge Weight: 5.7 g
Tracking Ability: 80µ @ 3 grams
Recommended Load: 47k ohms and 275 pF
Replacement Stylus: N 890
Elliptical Stylus
Description Measurement
Stylus Type: Elliptical .4 x .7 mil
Special High Polish
Tracking Force: 2 to 5 grams
Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz
Nominal Output @ 1kHz: 3.9mV
Channel Balance @ 1kHz: within 2dB
Channel Separation @ 1kHz: 30dB
DC Resistance: 1300 ohms nom.
Inductance: 970 mh nom.
Cartridge Weight: 5.7 g
Tracking Ability: 80µ @ 3 grams
Recommended Load: 47k ohms and 275 pF
Replacement Stylus: N 890 E