Stanton 500.V3 Twin Pack Cartridges


The industry standard, a cartridge designed for any and all applications.

The 500.V3 is an updated version of the classic Stanton 500AL. With more years spent on the decks than any other cartridge in the world, the 500 series has earned a reputation as a standard. The 500.V3 represents a perfect balance between economy, reliability, ruggedness and optimum performance.

SKU: 500V3TWIN Categories: , Tag:


  • Industry-standard spherical cartridge ideal for almost any application
  • Rugged and reliable at a great price
  • New industrial design
  • Improved skip resistance


The 500.V3 is an updated version of the classic Stanton 500AL. With more years spent on the decks than any other cartridge in the world, the 500 series has earned a reputation as a standard. The 500.V3 represents a perfect balance between economy, reliability, ruggedness and optimum performance.

Twin Pack: Two cartridges inside a blister pack.

Perfect for

  • Hip-Hop / Scratch and Club DJs
  • Consumers
  • Record shops
  • Beginner DJs



Description Measurement
Frequency Response 20 to 17 kHz
Output @ 1kHz: 4.6mV
Channel Separation @ 1 kHz: 28dB
Channel Balance @ 1 kHz: within 2 dB
Tracking Force: 2 to 5 grams
Stylus Tip: Spherical .7 mil
Special High Polish
DC Resistance: 535 ohms.
Inductance: 400 mH
Cartridge Weight: 5.5 grams
Tracking Ability: 80µ @ 3 grams
Recommended Load: 47k ohms and 275 pF
Replacement Stylus: N 500